Friday, August 31, 2007

Hey Hey Hey, Everyone, I'm back....

I was having a big trouble with my computer.

The story starts so, I was using the computer and I went out with Ben for .......(couldn't remember the purpose I went out d)

A few hours then, I came back to visit this computer again. What the fuck, why it never switched on?

One week later, I took to for repair. Result: motherboard spoilt, need to get warranty. Period: AT LEAST 3 weeks.

Ok, never mind, so I just wait. Just have to blame myself that I never intend to switch off the computer while neglecting the impact of lightning storm.

So, before I forget, the time when this computer spoilt was when my new semester started not long ago, and now, I almost end this semester, and this is only the time I have the chance to update my blog. SO you can imagine how long does the warranty took. If I never went to the shop to complain about their service not taking my request for granted, I think this repair will take even longer time, it can be extended to half year I swear.

Okk, back to this blog right now. So, Merdeka Day. Any plan? My damn stupid weird holiday is driving me crazy that I can't find a really good chance to have outing with Hardos. Miss you guys too much!!!

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